Wednesday, February 21, 2007

days of do's and don'ts

Do's and Don'ts

Don't put ads that have annoying talking smilies on your website.
Do cringe everytime you hear a smilie go, "WHAT!"
Myspace has to have the worst banner ads in history.
Get your smilies here

Don't fly NASA
DO Fly Virgin Galactic
Maybe now NASA will finally create a better spaceship.

Don't call it Iphone
Do call it iPhone
Now both Cisco and Apple have their iPhone, and nobody should really care. But shouldn't it be iFone, oh yeah that's already trademarked. (although might be dead)

Don't lie.
Do call the Clinton's liars.
Geffen put it the best I've heard.
"Everybody in politics lies, but they [the Clintons] do it with such ease, it’s troubling.”
Read the article

Don't leave Iraq.
Do send a Prince.
Back to the good old days when we had our leaders on the battlefield. Maybe all wars would be better this way. I doubt many of this worlds leaders would. You can't go to war unless your president/Supreme Leader is on a horse at the front.

Don't put Tara Reid in a bad Aussie commercial. (
Do put girls in skimpy clothes that don't talk in your commercial. (various smart advertisers)

Don't be a dork.
Do be a Geek.
Funny story about marrying a geek. They are good for something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.